We are delighted to launch our brand new website, which has been redesigned from the ground up and is hosted on a new platform and server.
The old website served the Southern Photographic Society well for almost ten years under the care of Jason Quayle, but technology continues to develop and with this redesign we will be able to take advantage of some of the most current tools to share our information more effectively.
The new site is optimised to view in multiple devices and using any level of internet connection, and wherever you are on the site you will see the main menu at the top of the page and a Search box at the bottom to make navigation easy.
The new Calendar page shows the programme for the whole season with all currently confirmed events, and additions or changes will be reflected there immediately. For ease of viewing, use the ‘Expand All’ or ‘Collapse All’ buttons at the top to show as much or as little information as you require, and the ‘Categories’ button to show just certain events (e.g. Club Nights).
You can print the whole schedule by clicking on the little printer icon near the top of the page. Click the ‘Read More’ button on an individual event to get the maximum detail.
For added convenience, on any news page (like this one) a brief summary of the next few events are listed on the right hand side (or bottom on some mobile devices).
As you can see, the new design makes space for LARGE photographs and the main image at the top of the Home page will change on a random basis. At the moment there are only a couple of webmaster Andrea’s own images on rotation so if you have a striking image that would look great in that spot please email it to info@southernphotographicsociety.org
It must be exactly 2000 by 1200 pixels and less than 512kb in size.
There are still a few additions to incorporate from the old website, like the competition galleries and results from past seasons, and they will be added soon but we felt it was most important to launch the website with the information required for the new season.
Please explore the site and send an email or use the Contact form on the top menu to ask questions, point out any problems, or send feedback. Keep visiting us regularly to see the latest additions.
Andrea Thrussell