2024 Image of the Year

Image of the Year 2024 "Barn Owl In The Rain" by Steve Johnstone
Image of the Year 2024 “Barn Owl In The Rain” by Steve Johnstone

And the winner is…

The ‘Image of the Year’ competition was held on 8th May with David Silvester judging the end-of-season finale. 

David previewed both sets of images before assessing each individually, and he offered advice and technical feedback on every entry along with general comments.  His tips included avoiding the “lazy” angle at eye level and trying to get higher or lower, assessing the scene thoroughly before lifting the camera, and using a tool like Levels in Photoshop to lift a “flat” image.

David commented that there were some “fabulous images and so difficult to separate”. The results were as follows:

Print section:
1st: “Barn Owl in the Rain” by Steve Johnstone
2nd: “Washed Up” by Seamus Whelan
3rd: “Yellow Dung Fly” by Steve Johnstone

'Douglas Fireworks' by Georgina Shaw
Digital Image of the Year ‘Douglas Fireworks’ by Georgina Shaw

Digital Section:
1st: “Douglas Fireworks” by Georgina Shaw
2nd: “Misty in the Port” by Seamus Whelan
3rd: “Gannet in Flight” by Steve Johnstone
Steve’s “Dock Leaf”, Brian Green’s “Indian Beauty” and James Joyce’s “C130 Last Approach Ronaldsway”.

The winning images went head-to-head for the overall Image of the Year and David selected the print.  He said he enjoyed the well-controlled and subtle colours of Steve’s ‘Barn Owl in the Rain’ and its unusual pose with its eyes down, describing it as “like a painting”, while Georgina’s ‘Fireworks’ he thought was “surreal and perfectly-timed”.  

Congratulations to Steve and Georgina and well done to everyone who entered and contributed to an evening of excellent imagery.   

Next season starts in September and there will be a series of events and activities throughout the summer.

'Washed Up' by Seamus Whelan
Print runner-up ‘Washed Up’ by Seamus Whelan
'Yellow Dung Fly' by Steve Johnstone
Print third place ‘Yellow Dung Fly’ by Steve Johnstone
Misty in the Port by Seamus Whelan
Digital runner-up ‘Misty in the Port’ by Seamus Whelan
Gannet in Flight by Steve Johnstone
Digital third place ‘Gannet in Flight’ by Steve Johnstone