Enjoy Photography? Join Us

Variety of SPS activities

If you are a keen photographer looking for ideas and inspiration, the Southern Photographic Society may be the place for you.

We are a relaxed and friendly group of photographers who meet every other Wednesday from September to May in the modern clubhouse at Colby Football Club. All abilities are welcome and you certainly don’t need an expensive camera to join.

Our aim is to promote and develop an interest in photography through a varied programme that includes presentations, practical sessions and optional monthly competitions. We also meet up informally during the season for walks, visits and outings to enjoy photography.

We have 20-25 regular members of varying experience and, although we meet in the south, anyone from any part of the island can join. We are keen to welcome new members, whether beginners or more experienced photographers of all standards who wish to improve their photographic skills or share their knowledge with others. 

So if you would like to meet other keen photographers and develop your skills, consider giving us a try. The annual members’ subscription is just £50 for the whole season, which includes refreshments at meetings and entry to all competitions.

The new season gets underway on Wednesday 11th September with an introductory evening and that’s the perfect time to come along, ask any questions and find out what we do. If you can’t make the 11th just come to any meeting; you will receive a warm welcome and all you need to bring is £3 towards room hire and refreshments.

For further information see the Membership page or contact us via email or the Contact Us form.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/SouthernPhotographicsociety