
  1. Name
    The Club shall be called “Southern Photographic Society” (hereinafter referred to as “the Society”).
  2. Aims and Objectives
    The Aims and Objectives of the Society are:
    (i) to provide a vehicle through which photographers can meet to discuss, show and exhibit photography and explore and improve their skills in the medium through regular competitions and events;
    (ii) to promote photography and the work of the Society in ways deemed appropriate by the members and Committee of the Society;
    (iii) to provide encouragement, support and advice to fellow photographers to assist in the improvement of their skills and enhance their enjoyment of photography;
    (iv) to promote a wider understanding of the art and craft of photography in all its aspects by exchanging friendly ideas and mutual assistance among members as well as organising and holding lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions etc
  3. Membership
    Any person interested in or practising photography who agrees actively to support the Society’s objectives may apply for membership. Membership is subject to the approval of the Committee who reserve the right to accept or refuse application for, or continuation of membership without any reason given. Each member shall be required to pay an annual subscription. The Committee may admit to membership any person who is interested in the aims and objectives of the Society and who has applied to become a member. The decision of the Committee upon any such application shall be final. The Committee may withdraw membership from any person deemed by a quorum of the Committee to have acted, behaved or otherwise been seen to act in any way which conflicts with the aims and objectives of the Society, or which may be seen to bring the Society into disrepute. The decision of the Committee upon any such matter shall be final. Members do not need to be practising photographers, or to participate in competitions, but the Society reserves the right to limit membership or attendance at special events to members who do participate actively, should any constraint require numbers to be restricted.
  4. Subscriptions
    Entrance fees and subscriptions shall be such amounts as are from time to time determined by the Committee and be subject to approval at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting. Membership of the Society shall cease if subscriptions are not paid by the date of the first competition of that year. No person shall take part in a Society competition or enter for Society exhibitions unless his or her subscription is paid up to date.
  5. Organisation
    The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Committee whose Members and Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Officers of the Society shall consist of President, Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and such other Officers as may from time to time be decided. The election of President for life may be by the Committee and elected by a simple majority at the AGM. The position of Life President shall be honorary and the President shall retain his/her title as long as he/she remains a member of the Club. A quorum at the AGM shall consist of 20% (one fifth) of the fully paid up members. The Committee shall also have the power to co-opt additional Members. The Officers and Committee shall have full power to superintend and conduct the business of the Society according to the Constitution. The Officers and Committee shall have full power to effect any insurance for the benefit of the members, and to arrange public or private exhibitions, competitions, lectures, visits and demonstrations and purchase and award trophies and prizes in connection therewith.
  6. Committee Meetings
    Committee Meetings shall be held at such a time and place as the Officers and Committee decide, but not less than 4 each year and at intervals not exceeding 3 months; at least 7 days notice of a committee meeting shall be given. A Committee Meeting requires a quorum of 4 committee members. A simple majority of votes cast by the Members present shall be sufficient to pass any resolution other than a resolution to wind up the Society The Chairperson shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie, which shall be in addition to their normal vote.
  7. Annual General Meeting
    The A.G.M. of the Society shall normally be held during the month of May each year, upon a date and time to be fixed by the Officers and Committee of the Society, and at least 14 days notice thereof shall be given to each paid up member. Each member shall be provided with the agenda of the business to be transacted at that meeting and a copy of the minutes from the previous year’s AGM. The Business shall include but is not limited to: Minutes of the previous A.G.M., Annual report of the Chairperson, Annual report of the Treasurer, Election of Officers and Committee Members. Any Other Business.
  8. Special General Meetings
    A Special General Meeting can be called at any time by the Committee or upon the receipt of a written request for such a meeting signed by at least 25% (one quarter) of the paid up members, specifying the purpose for which the meeting is to be called. At least 7 days notice shall be given to all paid up members for a Special General Meeting together with the agenda of the business to be transacted at that meeting. No business other than that appearing on the notice of such a meeting shall be transacted at that meeting.
  9. Finances
    The Society’s funds shall be kept in a bank account in the name of Southern Photographic Society. Cheques drawn on the account must be signed by two of the designated Committee Members. Any expenditure shall be approved by the Committee, with the exception of general running costs of the Society. The Society accounts shall always remain in credit.
  10. Annual Accounts
    The Society’s financial year shall run from 1st May to 30th April. The Treasurer shall prepare an account of the Society’s receipts and expenditure for each financial year. A copy of these accounts shall be made available to the members at the Annual General Meeting. An examiner may be appointed, by the Officers or by a majority of those present at the AGM, to examine the said accounts if deemed necessary.
  11. Competition Rules
    The Competition rules and amendments thereto shall be approved at an Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall have the power to amend such Rules during the Society year, subject to the amendments being approved at the next Annual General Meeting. Members are required to maintain any trophies won in good condition and to return them to the Society in good time for awarding at the next Annual Presentation.
  12. Dissolution
    The Society may at any time be dissolved by a resolution of members. Each member shall have one vote and a resolution for dissolution shall require a majority of the votes of 75% (three quarters) of the total paid up Members. The Officers shall wind up the Society in accordance with the legislation applying in the Isle of Man at the time, with any surplus being returned to members.
  13. Emergencies
    In the event of anything occurring not provided for or not clear in the foregoing rules, the Committee shall have power to deal with the same at their discretion.
  14. Liability
    The Society shall not be liable for loss or damage to Members’ property. Members shall not be liable for any losses of the Society.
  15. Constitution
    The Constitution and amendments thereto shall be approved at an Annual or Special General Meeting. A copy of the Constitution shall be supplied to every member of the Society. No alteration to these rules shall be made except at an Annual or Special General Meeting.