
Interested In Joining Us?

New members are always very welcome and you can join at any time of the year, not just in September. Come to a meeting as a guest and get an idea of what we have to offer before you decide whether to join. You are assured of a warm welcome and all we ask is a £3 contribution towards the room hire (tea/coffee and biscuits are included).

We are keen to welcome new members, whether beginners or more experienced photographers of all standards who wish to improve their photographic skills or share their knowledge with others. 

Members come from many different walks of life but we share a love of photography and any member, as well as committee members, will be happy to answer questions. Our mid-session break for refreshments is a great time to mingle and chat.

The membership fee for this year is just £50, which entitles you to attend all meetings, enter all of the competitions and vote at the AGM, with no further fees to pay and free refreshments at our meetings.

Visit our Calendar to check our scheduled meetings, and if you would like to ask any questions or let us know you’re coming send an email or use the Contact Us form above.